Justin Vititoe
Summary of Qualifications
Justin Vititoe has over 20 years survival experience and served over 16 years as an Infantryman in the United States Army. His service included 4 combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. More than half of his career has revolved around sniper skill sets, to include; three years instructing at the U.S. Army Sniper School and Long Range Marksman course and two combat tours as a sniper team and section leader. Justin is an expert in marksmanship, survival, surveillance, counter- surveillance, and almost any hand-held weapon. He has instructed military personnel and civilians all over the world, as well as operationally working in Executive Protection, Asset Recovery, and Disaster Response roles in various countries as a private contractor.
Since leaving the military, Justin has pursued one of his life long passions in teaching survival, firearms, and fieldcraft skills and currently lives off grid with his family. He was also a participant on season 2 of “Alone” on the History channel, where he survived by himself with minimal equipment for 35 days.
Professional Military Education:
U.S. Army Sniper School Graduate
U.S. Army Sniper School Instructor Certified
U.S. Army Long Range Marksman Course Instructor Certified
Sniper Employment Leader Course Graduate
Total Army Instructor Course Certified
Army Basic Instructor Course Certified
Faculty Development Program Certified
Small Unit Tactics Instructor Certified
Pathfinder Course Graduate
Mountain Warfare School Graduate
Airborne School Certified Graduate
Air Assault School Certified Graduate
Unit Armorer Certified
Combat Lifesaver Certified
Civilian Education:
Sierra School of Survival
Wilderness Survival 101 & 201 Graduate
On Point Tactical Tracking School
Urban Evasion and Escape Course Graduate
Tactical Tracking Course Graduate